Levelling Solutions


The story of Gypsum Plaster started thousands of years ago. The earliest example of usage of gypsum plaster is at the Tomb of Tutankhamun at the Giza Pyramids which was internally lined with gypsum plasters. Today Gyproc’s range of gypsum plaster has replaced sand and cement plaster as the preferred choice for all internal plastering with all leading builders and contractors across India.

Gyproc Plasters offer a full range of specific and multi-purpose solutions for all internal plastering needs and backgrounds. Gyproc plaster products are designed to suit either hand or machine application. Their consistent performance, workability and reliability is assured, thanks to our exacting manufacturing standards, which enable plasterers to maximise productivity and cut product wastage on site.

Gypsum Plaster Laveling Solution For Ceilings & Drywalls
Gyproc Elite 100 - - Plaster Laveling Solution For Ceilings & Drywalls

Elite 100 / Elite90

Elite 90 is available in North Markets

Saint Gobain Gyproc Elite 100 / Elite90 one coat gypsum plaster with lightweight aggregates is a replacement of traditional sand cement plaster and is suitable for application on most internal surfaces including brick, block and concrete. Gyproc Elite 100 consists of gypsum hemihydrate formulated with special additives to increase workability and control setting characteristics. Light weight aggregates “Perlite” improves the gypsum plaster's coverage, workability, and provides smooth finished surface.

Application Areas:

Saint Gobain Gyproc Elite 100 / Elite 90 one coat gypsum plaster can be applied on most internal surfaces like Bricks, Blocks & RCC (Concrete) surfaces.

Features & Benefits:

  • Class leading coverage of 100/90 Sq mts/MT at 13 mm thickness*.
  • Initial setting time of 20 – 25 minutes * providing maximum work time and onsite wastages
  • Two times faster application than conventional sand cement plaster.
  • Fire Protection: Elite-100 is non-combustible as per BS 476-Part4***.
  • Low thermal conductivity (0.25 W/m-K) as compared to Sand Cement Plaster (0.72 W/m-K) ** keeps room cooler in summer and warmer in winter; saving in energy cost.

* Under lab condition
** The exact temperature difference is calculated based on various parameters and is quite complex theoretical calculation.
*** Test carried out as per BS 476: Part 4 : 1970, no burning flame observed after removal of burner.


  • Conforms to IS 2547: Part 1 and 2 of “The Bureau of Indian Standard”.
  • Certified by GRIHA under following categories: GRIHA V.2015 criterion:19, GRIHA V.3 criterion:15 & SVAGRIHA criterion: 11.
  • GreenPro: certified by confederation of Indian Industry, meets standards of GreenPro certification and qualifies as green product.
Gyproc supreme 80 plaster

Supreme 80 / Supreme 68

Supreme 68 is available in North Markets

Saint Gobain Gyproc Supreme 80 / Supreme 68, one coat gypsum plaster is a replacement of traditional sand cement plaster and is suitable for application on most internal surfaces including brick, block and concrete. Light weight aggregates like “Vermiculite” and special additives are included to enhance coverage, setting time and workability.
Gyproc Supreme 80 can directly replace sand cement plaster in all the internal plastering application providing smooth and levelled walls.

Application Areas:

Saint Gobain Gyproc Supreme 80 / Supreme 68 one coat gypsum plaster can be applied on most internal surfaces like Bricks, Blocks & RCC (Concrete) surfaces

Features & Benefits:

  • Coverage of 80/68 Sq meters/MT at 13 mm thickness*
  • Initial setting time of 15 - 20 minutes *
  • Easy to apply ready-mix plaster
  • Enhanced Fire resistance ***
  • Low thermal conductivity keeps room cooler in summer and warmer in winter

* Under lab condition
** The exact temperature difference is calculated based on various parameters and is quite complex theoretical calculation.
*** Test carried out as per BS 476: Part 4 : 1970, no burning flame observed after removal of burner


  • Conforms to IS 2547: Part 1 and 2 of “The Bureau of Indian Standard”
  • Certified by GRIHA under following categories: GRIHA V.2015 criterion:19, GRIHA V.3 criterion:15 & SVAGRIHA criterion: 11
  • GreenPro: certified by confederation of Indian Industry, meets standards of GreenPro certification and qualifies as green product
Stucco Gypsum Plaster - Expert Plus 25 kg

Xpert+ / Xpert

Xpert is available in North Markets

Saint Gobain Gyproc Xpert+ / Xpert is a stucco gypsum suitable for application like POP punning (over Sand & Cement Plaster), bull marks, level strips, etc. Its enhanced setting (10 – 12 minutes) helps in controlling the on-site wastage of the product as compared to local POP with setting time of 5-6 minutes.
Saint Gobain Gyproc Xpert is ideal for Plaster of Paris (POP) punning application on sand cement plastered surface giving a perfectly levelled surface which is ready for painting.

Application Areas:

Saint Gobain Gyproc Xpert + / Xpert can be applied on most internal surfaces like Sand Cement plaster, Bricks, Blocks & RCC (Concrete) surfaces

Features & Benefits:

  • Setting time of 10-12 minutes*
  • Low wastages
  • Two times faster plastering
  • No Shrinkage cracks
  • Smooth Finish
  • Environmental Friendly

* Under lab condition


  • Conforms to IS 2547: Part 1 and 2 of “The Bureau of Indian Standard”
  • Certified by GRIHA under following categories: GRIHA V.2015 criterion:19, GRIHA V.3 criterion:15 & SVAGRIHA criterion: 11
  • GreenPro: certified by confederation of Indian Industry, meets standards of GreenPro certification and qualifies as green product
Gyproc elite machine spray

Elite Machine spray

With increasing shortage of Labours in construction industry there is urgent need for mechanized gypsum plastering. Gyproc Elite Machine Spray Plaster is only product that has been developed to adapt the currently available spraying machines in India. Machine Plastering is an efficient way to complete work with less effort and shorter time. Machine Plastering has added benefits of delivering consistent quality, higher productivity, less wastages apart from the most important factor of requirement of 75% less labours ** at site to execute same job.

Application Areas:

Saint Gobain Gyproc Elite 100 one coat gypsum plaster can be applied on most internal surfaces like Bricks, Blocks & RCC (Concrete) surfaces

Features & Benefits:

  • Higher setting time greater than 90 min * for more productivity and workability
  • Faster and convenient, significantly reducing the time of gypsum plastering
  • Less labours required to execute large projects
  • Low application cost there by having direct saving per Sq Feet**
  • Contains special polymer to help plaster stick to the surface with less wastage

* Under lab condition
** Trials done under controlled conditions


  • Conforms to IS 2547: Part 1 and 2 of “The Bureau of Indian Standard”
  • Certified by GRIHA under following categories: GRIHA V.2015 criterion:19, GRIHA V.3 criterion:15 & SVAGRIHA criterion: 11
  • GreenPro: certified by confederation of Indian Industry, meets standards of GreenPro certification and qualifies as green product
Elite moisture resistance gypsum plaster

Elite MR

Elite MR (Moisture Resistance) is a one coat gypsum plaster specifically designed to provide protection in wet areas like bathroom, kitchens, basement, garages, balconies, parking podium etc. It provides extra protection with low absorption of moisture in air or from surface giving excellent results in skirting area application with problems arising out of capillary action and efflorescence. It can be directly used over backgrounds like bricks, blocks and RCC and provides a smooth inert, high quality surface to internal walls and ceilings and a durable base for application of decorative finishes.

Application Areas:

Saint Gobain Gyproc Elite MR gypsum plaster can be applied on most internal surfaces in wet areas like bathroom, kitchens, basement, garages, balconies, parking podium etc

Features & Benefits:

  • Total water absorption <10%*
  • Resists to Moisture from atmosphere and background surface
  • Protects Top Coats (Paints)
  • Protection from Mold and fungal growth
  • Low thermal conductivity (0.25 W/m-K) as compared to Sand Cement Plaster (0.72 W/m-K) ** keeps room cooler in summer and warmer in winter; saving in energy cost

* Under lab condition
** Trials done under controlled conditions


  • Conforms to European Standard EN 13279-1:2008 “Building Gypsum binders & Gypsum plaster”
  • Conforms to IS 2547: Part 1 and 2 of “The Bureau of Indian Standard”
  • Certified by GRIHA under following categories: GRIHA V.2015 criterion:19, GRIHA V.3 criterion:15 & SVAGRIHA criterion: 11
  • GreenPro: certified by confederation of Indian Industry, meets standards of GreenPro certification and qualifies as green product